擠塑板 保溫板
擠塑板 保溫板
詳細信息 擠塑板廠家,青島擠塑板廠
青島美立華塑業有限公司 13808979951 我公司是專業從事擠塑保溫板生產和專業制造擠塑板生產線的綜合性企業,有多名多年從事擠出設備研究、開發的技術人員。我們的擠塑保溫板設備力求設備操作簡單實用、產量高、產品穩定、容重低,同時不斷完善售前售后服務內容,將交鑰匙工程真正體現給客戶,讓客戶獲得性價比好的產品。
The Company is specializing in crowded plastic insulation board production and manufacturing of plastic production lines in the comprehensive enterprise, with many more years to squeeze out equipment research and development of technical personnel. We have the plastic insulation board equipment to equipment, simple and practical production, high density, low stability products, and to improve the sale after sales service, will truly reflect the key projects to customers, allowing customers to access the best price products.
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