Teflon? FEP
100: General-purpose resin with the highest melt flow rate of the 100 series.( 通用樹脂具有高熔體流動速率的100系列。)
140: Like grade 100 with lower melt flow rate.( 100級一樣熔體流動速率較低)
TE9835: A medium melt flow rate fluoropolymer resin specifically designed for extrusion of thin coatings on small-gauge wires for twisted pair constructions.( 一個中等氟樹脂熔體流動速率專門為對雙絞線結構小軌線擠出涂層薄設計)
TE9568: A medium melt flow rate fluoropolymer resin specifically designed for extrusion of thin coatings on small-gauge wires for twisted pair constructions.( 一個中等氟樹脂熔體流動速率專門為對雙絞線結構小軌線擠出涂層薄設計)
CJ95: Specifically designed for plenum cable jacketing.( 專門為中全會電纜護套)
CJ99: Specifically designed for applications that demand a high degree of stress-crack resistance.( 特別設計的應用程序的需求相當大的壓力,抗裂性高的程度)
106N: This is a high productivity grade of Teflon? FEP.( 這是特富龍?燃料濃縮廠生產效率高品位)
TE9494: This is a high productivity grade of Teflon? FEP.( 這是特富龍?燃料濃縮廠生產效率高品位。)