供應U5856A TrueIR紅外熱成像儀 供應U5856A TrueIR紅外熱成像儀 供應U5856A TrueIR紅外熱成像儀
本司主要回收、供應:手機綜合測試儀、藍牙測試儀、網絡分析儀、頻譜分析儀、信號源信號發生器、示波器、功率計、頻率計、誤碼儀、LCR電橋、電源、數據采集儀、噪聲系數分析儀、多用表校準儀、萬用表、天饋線測試儀安立、溫度記錄儀、邏輯分析儀、紅外熱像儀、色彩分析儀、阻抗測試治具及附件、衰減器 、光纖熔接機、光譜儀等產品。
主營品牌:安捷倫Agilent 、KEYSIGHT/是德科技、泰克Tektronix、福祿克FLUKE、安立Anritsu、日置HIOKI 、吉時利Keithley、愛德萬Avantest、橫河Yokogawa、美能達Ko nica Minolta、艾法斯Aeroflex、羅德與施瓦茨R&S、萊特波特litepin、思博倫spirent、愛色麗x-rite、菊水KIKUSUI、致茂Chroma、固緯GWINSTEK、力科LeCroy、馬可尼Marconi
聯系人: 陳小姐 手機/ 微信:13825775702
聯系QQ : 3447655623
- Identify abnormalities faster with 4x more in-camera fine resolution
- Monitor temperature changes through image logging and temperature trending capabilities
- Ability to focus on objects as close as 10 cm away
- Compact, lightweight, ergonomic
- Measure temperature up to 650 °C
- Easy-to-use customizable color palette
- Configurable quick access buttons to easily change settings with one hand
Long product warranty - 3 years
Find potential problems more quickly with 320 x 240 pixels of in-camera fine resolution. The U5856A is ideal for predictive maintenance activities, from hot spot detection to thermal profiling in industrial or commercial applications and higher temperature applications, such as welding, petro-chemical. Only from Keysight can you get a 320x240 fine resolution thermal imager with image logging and temperature trending capability at a lower price than the typical 320x240 thermal imager.
The U5850 series TrueIR thermal imagers have image logging capability, which enables you to log images at an interval over a period of time. Together with the trending analysis from the complimentary TrueIR Analysis and Reporting Tool, you can easily conduct temperature profiling on your design, perform equipment failure analysis or monitor machine performances.